Elspeth Lorraine

Book Reviews

December 3, 2022

"Everybody! You, Me & Us" By Elise Gravel

You’ve probably seen Elise Gravel’s work around as she is a super popular illustrator and author. When I was sending out my sister’s baby shower invites I actually used Elise’s limited edition stamps! Also there is still no sign of this baby. At what point do I call my sister’s bluff and tell her I know she just wanted a party? 

Everybody! Is all about empathy and seeing how similar we all are. We all get mad. We all have fears. We all need help sometimes. Elise uses her quirky monsters to emphasize all the ways we may look different, but underneath are more alike than we might know. 

Bits and Pieces: Elise did one of my favorite book series, “The Disgusting Critters Series” and she did not disappoint with this book. The monsters are SO silly, yet still relatable! They all have big emotions just like us. Elise uses Photoshop for her illustrations. 

Not Sure About: One of the stamps I used for the baby shower invites was of a monster wearing underwear and that monster was not in this book. I suppose the monster in a onesie pajama set made up for it a little. 

Favorite Part: When the monsters went stargazing and when the sick monster took a nap. What does that say about me? I wish I was lying down. 

*This was printed in Canada in 2020. So a new book to America, but not the Canadians!

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